The appearance of sexual scandal among celibates gives a cognizance that they are common people and normal. To be celibates does not make them neutral from the sexual problem. They are actually the sexual creatures with the entire sexual needs of biological, bio-psychological and also spiritual desires. This kind of tendency exists because of their self existence as sexual creatures.
To have a certain attitude of the sexual desire, many celibates are so afraid, rigid and repressive. They judge themselves with the opinion in which they have to be the holy celibates, anyway they must release any sexual matters. In the opposite way, there are some celibates who are too dared in expressing it but evoke sex scandal as well. Those two attitudes and this full comprehensive understanding are not appropriate enough. Being afraid means does not realize the God-given, as sexual creatures, in other hand being too dared means to forget the rules bounded as human celibacy and holy living demand. Therefore, one essential question is how celibates class can inspire the fact as celibacy human, but also all at once as sexual creatures.
It is realized that somebody’s attitude and full comprehensive understanding towards a certain idea is often influenced by the way they see it. The wrong way to manage it or wrong patterned thinking will also bring in the wrong attitude and wrong full comprehensive understanding. This repressive attitude and liberal attitude appear because they manage it wrongly influenced by as the consequence as human sexuality from understanding of Platonicism, Gnotisicism, Maniceanism, Victorianism and the Twentieth Century sexual revolution. Furthermore, the first is that the celibates are able to inspire celibacy life and the sexuality as well, in the first step, the necessity is to develop the way to manage the sexuality in positive way. By this way, it is supposed to appear integrative attitude with self good commitment. The commitment based on this attitude and comprehensive understanding that they are sexual human can help celibates class to keep faith with celibacy life without overriding their self existence as sexual creatures.